Free Social Media Icons in PNG format

got social iconsSocial media icons are abundant, but every time I design a new website I wind up needing to find a new set or a different size to add to the design. Over the past few years as a web designer I have accumulated a wealth of icons and a recent blog comment on the article, “How to create a professional email signature in Gmail,” motivated me to create a new post to share the wealth!

These icons were developed in PNG format so the edges are transparent and will blend nicely into any website background color. If you need an icon that you don’t see in this list, drop me a note so I can add it to this social media icon directory!

Select the icons you need and save them to your computer or digital device!

Social Media Icons Rounded-Square Design

16×16 social media icons

stumbleupon  google-plus  pinterest  instagram  etsy  aboutme  soundcloud  spotify  twitter-2  wikepedia  foursquare  paypal  podcast  yelp  bing  blogger  ebay  social-rss  wordpress  wordpress-2  amazon  aol  google  tumblr  vimeo  facebook  flickr  linkedin  skype  twitter  youtube  apple

24×24 social media icons

stumbleupon  twitter  google-plus  aboutme  etsy  instagram  pinterest  yelp  youtube  wordpress  wordpress-2  vimeo  twitter-2  tumblr  soundcloud  skype  slideshare  rss  podcast  paypal  linkedin  google flickr  foursquare  facebook  ebay  digg  delicious  blogger apple

32×32 social media icons

aboutme  apple  blogger  delicious  digg  ebay  email  facebook  flickr  foursquare  google  instagam  itune  linkedin  paypal  pinterest  podcast  rss  skype  slideshare  soundcloud  stumbleupon  tumblr  twitter  twitter-2  vimeo  wordpress  wordpress-2  yelp  youtube google plus 32x32

Social Media Icons Tear Drop Design

16×16 social media icons

youtube_16x16  wordpress_16x16  twitter2_16x16  twiiter1_16x16  tumbler_16x16  rss_16x16  pin_16x16    In_16x16  G+_16x16  flickr_16x16  facebook_16x16    blogger_16x16

24×24 social media icons

blogger_24x24  facebook_24x24  flickr_24x24  G+_24x24  Iinkedin_24x24    pin_24x24  rss_24x24  tumbler_24x24  twiiter1_24x24  twitter2_24x24  wordpress_24x24    youtube_24x24

32×32 social media icons

blogger_32x32  facebook_32x32  flickr_32x32  G+_32x32  Iinkedin_32x32    pinterest_32x32  rss_32x32  tumbler_32x32  twiiter1_32x32  twitter2_32x32  wordpress_32x32    youtube_32x32

Social Media Icons Square Design

16×16 social media icons

 1twitter1 Blogger1 facebook1 Flickr1 Gplus1  Link1 pin1 rss1 tumblr1 wordpress1 youtube1  2Twitter1

24×24 social media icons

1twitter1_24x24 Blogger1_24x24 facebook1_24x24 Flickr1_24x24 Gplus1_24x24 Link1_24x24 Pin1_24x24 rss1_24x24 tumblr1_24x24 wordpress1_24x24 youtube1_24x24  2Twitter1_24x24

32×32 social media icons

1twitter1_32x32 blogger1_32x32 facebook1_32x32 Flick1_32x32 Gplus1_32x32 Link1_32x32 Pin1_32x32 rss1_32x32 tumblr1_32x32 wordpress1_32x32 youtube1_32x32  2Twitter1_32x32

Social Media Icons Flag Design

16×16 social media icons

 1Twitter3 Blogger3 facebook3 Flickr3 Gplus3 Link3 Pin3 Rss3 tumblr3 wordpress3 youtube3  2twitter3

24×24 social media icons

1twitter3_24x24 Blogger3_24x24png facebook3_24x24 Flickr3_24x24 Gplus3_24x24 Link3_24x24 Pin3_24x24 Rss3_24x24 tumblr3_24x24 wordpress3_24x24 youtube3_24x24  2twitter3_24x24

32×32 social media icons

1twitter3_32x32 Blogger3_32x32 facebook3_32x32 Flickr3_32x32 Gplus3_32x32 Link3_32x32 Piin3_32x32 Rss3_32x32 tumblr3_32x32 wordpress3_32x32 youtube3_32x32  2twitter3_32x32

Social Media Icons Circle Design

16×16 social media icons

 1twitter2 Blogger2 facebook2 flickr2 Gplus2 Link2 Pin2 rss2 tumblr2 wordpress2 youtube2  2twitter2

24×24 social media icons

 1twitter2_24x24 Blogger2_24x24 facebook2_24x24 Flickr2_24x24 Gplus2_24x24 Link2_24x24 Pin2_24x24 rss2_24x24 tumblr2_24x24 wordpress2_24x24 youtube2_24x24  2twitter2_24x24

32×32 social media icons

1twitter2_32x32 Blogger2_32x32 facebook2_32x32 Flickr2_32x32 Gplus2_32x32 Link2_32x32 pin2_32x32 rss2_32x32 tumblr2_32x32 wordpress2_32x32 youtube2_32x32  2twitter2_32x32

Social Media Icons Flat Design

16×16 social media icons

 flat_blogger16x16 flat_facebook16x16 flat_flikr16x16 flat_googleplus16x16 flat_linkedin16x16 flat_pinterest16x16 flat_rss16x16 flat_tumblr16x16 flat_twitter16x16 flat_wordpress16x16  flat_youtube16x16

24×24 social media icons

 flat_blogger24x24 flat_facebook24x24 flat_flikr24x24 flat_googleplus24x24 flat_linkedin24x24 flat_pinterest24x24 flat_rss24x24 flat_tumblr24x24 flat_twitter24x24 flat_wordpress24x24  flat_youtube24x24

32×32 social media icons

flat_blogger32x32 flat_facebook32x32 flat_flikr32x32 flat_googleplus32x32 flat_linkedin32x32 flat_pinterest32x32 flat_rss32x32 flat_tumblr32x32 flat_twitter32x32 flat_wordpress32x32  flat_youtube32x32

Was this list of icons useful? Share it with a friend! Copy and paste this short URL and send it to your friends:

About Brian Loebig

Owner of, author of, and part-time Technology Manager for the Alliance for Performance Excellence, Brian has over 15 years of experience working in the quality improvement, human services and technology fields as an administrator and consultant. Brian has also worked as a practitioner and administrator in the corrections, substance abuse and human services fields with a special emphasis on technology. He continues to work with numerous community-based non-profits as a web technology consultant, board member and volunteer. Feel free to .
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80 Responses to Free Social Media Icons in PNG format

  1. Robin Renee says:

    This is great! I actually am working on moving my main e-mail account over to gmail, and would like to set up an effective signature. So, great link, and thank you for the social media icons all in one place.

  2. Carele says:

    This is fantastic, thank you for this Brian.

  3. drdcurtiss says:

    Thanks for this list. One can find sites with a few of these icons. However, great to have them all in one place

  4. 123-VA says:

    Just what I needed for my outlook signature

  5. LP says:

    Thank you for supplying all of the icons in one place! Outlook has a small pack of them for download but this makes it so much easier, thank you!!

  6. Pingback: Link Love: Stuff I’ve read & loved on the WWW this week | Gemma Press

  7. Pingback: Free Social Media Icons in PNG format | Technology

  8. Brian Loebig says:

    Reblogged this on The Ink Blog and commented:

    New icons added to the list!

  9. carriezimmer says:

    Just used several of the icons and this post was so helpful! Thanks for this resource!

  10. Sokha says:

    Hi Brian, could you provide Redfin, Zillow,, & Trulia logo?

  11. I found this article on google search and was able to include these fabulous icons in my email signature! Thank you! 🙂

  12. Dennis says:

    Hi there. Thanks so much for your help! Making a lot of people’s lives easier. I was wondering, for the 32 by 32 rounded square design, do you happen to have a google plus icon laying around somewhere? You have all the others that I need (facebook, twitter, instagram, yelp, youtube).

    Thanks again!

  13. purpleSUB says:

    Thanks for everything in one place…nice and uniform and all I was looking for! Looks fantastic in my email signature.

    Thanks again Brian!

  14. This is a great resource, and lovely icon designs – just wanted to say thank you!

  15. Ruthie says:

    Thanks so much for having a sensible selection of beautiful icons, easily downloadable, all in the one spot – I breathed a sigh of relief when I found them!

  16. Ruthie says:

    Would it be possible for you to share the Google + logo in the 32×32 Social Media Icons Rounded-Square Design? (Unless it is already there, and I’ve gone mad…)

  17. mlcw53 says:

    Thanks for being so gracious and serving these up free! Love the round 32×32 icons, but need one for for Etsy, too, if you can. Pretty please!

  18. Lesley says:

    Any chance you have icons for Snapchat?

  19. Great collection – but nothing for Flipboard? Shame that!

  20. I have more for you too – Skype & WhatsApp too 🙂 I don’t want to extract the Michael, but your collection really is superb 🙂

  21. Anthony Beshara says:

    Great Collection THANK YOU, Can you suggest a way I can vector the icons together…… Thank you again

  22. Jill Thiry says:

    This is great! Thank you 🙂 Found through google search.

  23. Rachel says:

    This is great! Also found via Google – top search result! It would be great to have an icon that looks like a “link” that would just take the user to a website. Thanks 🙂

  24. Ken says:

    Please add icons for the Better Business Bureau, Angie’s List, and Google Maps.

  25. Adam says:

    Thanks, Brian! You the real MVP!

  26. J says:

    How do i apply a link to the icon? im dloing all the steps correctly its just not letting me…

  27. Wow ! Awesome thanks !

  28. Kimberly Neil says:

    Thank you for this! Do you have a Snapchat 16×16?

  29. Love this! Wondering if you would add the GoodReads icon? Thanks.

  30. jason clark says:

    Hi. Thanks a lot for this, it is awesome!
    Can you please tell me one thing… What size icons am i needing?



  31. Torie Robinson says:

    Hi Brian, I can’t believe that I’ve just come across this! Fantastic! There are a few of the icons which unfortunately don’t have a link to enable me to download them though, e.g. Social Media Icons Flat Design – 32×32 Facebook. If you could update these that would be fantastic!

  32. Vanessa says:

    Thank you so much Brian for putting this together. This is fantastic. I’ve spent ages searching for the right size icons, and you’ve made it such a breeze.

  33. Thank you for generously taking the time to put all this together in one place and making it available.

  34. Mary Lou says:

    Hello Brian,
    Congrats on your 2016 Top Blogger award! These icons (all in one place) are fabulous, Thank you. Tell me, are there any similar icons available that would function in my smart phone (e-mail signature)?
    Mary Lou

  35. A Voxer logo would be great too!

  36. Thank you so much for sharing your resources!

  37. Ashton Williams says:

    Thanks for this, very handy as i put together a new cleaner signature with icons thanks again man.

  38. Brian,
    Thanks so much for creating this easy to use icon page. I was tearing my hair out trying to find the small sizes needed for an email signature. I saved the 32 x 32 Pinterest in the first lot and pasted it into my outlook signature but it comes up as being smaller than the other social media icons saved from the same lot. I then tried a work a round and went to other 32 x 32 Pinterest icons on your page but the ones which will match with the previous ones are not available. For now I have run out of time but if you have time to fix this let me know. It would be fab to include the Pinterest as well.
    thanks again!

  39. Ginger says:

    Four years later and this is the gift that keeps on giving! Thank you!

  40. Bybrand says:

    I think I can use these icons easily in Bybrand, images of a greater power of visibility.

  41. CJ says:

    Do you have any social media icon buttons for Snapguide? I really need a small one (32 x32) to add to my email signature with a link to my snapguide

  42. This is very generous of you and I appreciate your work on this thank you.

  43. Pingback: How to Create Professional Email Signature in Gmail | The Ink Blog

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