How to Add an Admin to Google Tag Manager

  1. Log into the Google Tag Manager (GTM) Account:
  2. Click the three vertical dots in the top right corner to open the drop-down menu and select “User Management”

  3. On the next screen, click the blue + circle on the top right and select “Add users”

  4. In the “Enter email addresses” section, add a Google-connected email address and select the “Administrator” check-off box. Click the “Read” Container Permissions option which expands a window from the right.

  5. Select the “Publish” checkoff box which will highlight all the other check boxes. Then, click “Done” which will close the pop-out window.

  6. Click “Invite” to invite the user to be a GTM Admin.

  7. You will see an “Invitation pending” notice that the user has been invited.

  8. Done!

About Brian Loebig

Owner of, author of, and part-time Technology Manager for the Alliance for Performance Excellence, Brian has over 15 years of experience working in the quality improvement, human services and technology fields as an administrator and consultant. Brian has also worked as a practitioner and administrator in the corrections, substance abuse and human services fields with a special emphasis on technology. He continues to work with numerous community-based non-profits as a web technology consultant, board member and volunteer. Feel free to .
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